Ohio's Bios- Insights from State Rep. David Thomas
Conversations with Ohio Government leaders, public servants, and perspectives from those who lead Ohio hosted by State Rep. District 65 David Thomas. As you head to work, hear from those who work for you with stories of policy successes, opportunities, and the motivations behind the service to you. Learn more about David Thomas at www.davidthomasforohio.com. Questions, ideas, or want to learn more? Email david@davidthomasforohio.com.
Ohio's Bios- Insights from State Rep. David Thomas
E:4 Geneva City Council President Mario Butera- Paving, Public Relations, and Money Priorities
Ashtabula County Auditor David Thomas
Season 1
Episode 4
Episode 4:
Mario Butera is the Geneva City Council President and serves as a music teacher in the community as well. In this episode, we discuss the competing financial interests of a small town, the role a council takes in the governing process, and some interesting fun facts about Geneva, Ohio.